Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Favorite Director

I've always been more of a reader than a movie watcher, but that's not to say that I don't appreciate movies just as much. I'm just certainly more apt to picking up a book than I am to turning on a film. Therefore as far as movies go I could pick a few directors to talk about, but not having seen all of their work, I don't think I should. Instead I'll talk about an up and coming filmmaker named Karim Huu Do, who has directed a series of, in my opinion, prestigious short films.

What first turned me on to Karim Huu Do was his work on the short film Pure for the rap collective Last Night In Paris.

I took instantly to his vision. Most of his work contains a touch of surrealism (which is part of what I love most about him), and every aspect of the filming is very distinct to his own personal, dare I say, vibe. I would describe it as intensely quiet. In some of my favorite films, he uses the music of his subjects strategically to create sort of an intense behind the scenes music video. The filming is exquisite and the artists he works with only make me admire him more. 

He most recently directed the short film Jungle for the rap artist Drake.

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